Kickstart BNB

Help you automate and sell through Airbnb, VRBO &

Reach the best guest through power of the internet

3x you rental income

We help you triple your rental income through our rental automation system

What‘s in it for you?

Less Effort.

More income.



Less Effort.

We can automate most tasks with top technolgy

With our large set of automation we reduce the effort from your side to the minimum. We have newest software technologies to automate bookings and payments. Additionally we also have many home autoamtions like doorpincodes, survailance camerica, tempereture & door sensors.


More income.

Online platforms enable you to attract the best guest

With our dynamic pricing system we can ensure to adjust the price to the season you are in. This will insure your extract the full value of your property.



Adjust your booking from one central calender fast and effecient

We our central booking platfrom you can keep track of your booking across all the large booking platforms. Instant block dates and respond from one central place